The BYSA is governed by a Board of Directors. The Board meets monthly to coordinate our programs and to develop new initiatives to meet the organization's goals and objectives. We have several unfilled positions, and most positions will benefit from an assistant. Please contact a Board Member if you are interested in joining our dedicated team.
 Brett Dubner |
PresidentThe President shall call meetings of the Board of Directors and preside over all association business. The President will also act as overall chairperson for all committees. The President only votes in the case of a tie breaker. |
Vice President (Vacancy)The Vice-President will assist the President in conducting association business and administer to the needs of the association in the President’s absence. The Vice-President will succeed the President in the event of his resignation. The Vice President will be part of the Competition Committee |
 Katie Strand |
SecretaryThe Secretary shall maintain the Association records, give adequate notification of all meetings and record the minutes of these meetings. |
 Robyn Sachs-Carpenter |
TreasurerThe Treasurer shall prepare invoices, deposit all funds, pay bills and maintain adequate records of all Association financial transactions. The Treasurer shall also present the bank statement at least once a quarter so that the bank statement can be compared to the Treasurer’s Report. |
 Patrick Golarz
RegistrarThe Registrar(s) shall be responsible for coordinating Fall and Spring registrations, handling registration forms and managing a database of all soccer players and coaches in Barnstable. The Registrar(s) shall also coordinate with the Director of Tournaments for the Harvest Cup. |
 Brett Dubner |
Travel DirectorThe Travel Director shall be responsible for the coordination and operation of the towns travel teams. The Director shall plan and implement tryouts, review and share tryout information with BYSA Board and the applicable coaches. The Director is also responsible for scheduling all home games, assigning fields for games and practices, and coordinating with the Referee Assignor to make sure all games have referees. The Director is responsible for calling games to weather or field conditions and scheduling make up games. The Director shall also serve as a member of the Competition Committee.
South Coast Soccer League Representative (Vacancy)The South Coast Soccer League Representative will attend SCSL meetings and report back to the Board about league developments. |
 Patrick Golarz |
Instructional DirectorThe Instructional Director shall oversee all aspects of the instructional program, recruiting coaches, placing together rosters for teams, work with the referee assignor to make sure all games are covered, ordering year end awards, and putting on the Jamboree. |
 Doug Rooney |
Director of CoachingThe Director of Coaching will develop coaches, supervise coach education, and provide age appropriate curriculum for teams. The Director is responsible for evaluating coaches and sharing results with the Competition Committee. |
 John DeLellis |
Grounds and Equipment DirectorThe Tournament Director shall be responsible for all tournament affairs held in the Town Of Barnstable. The Director shall assist the Treasurer in the maintenance of all income and expenditures for each tournament. The Director shall also be responsible for obtaining all permits needed. |
 Vacancy |
Volunteer Director (Vacancy)The Volunteer Director shall be responsible for obtaining volunteer bonds from travel families, organizing volunteer opportunities, posting volunteer opportunities on the Club's website, and mailing back volunteer bonds after service is completed. |
 Vacancy |
Sponsorship Director (Vacancy)The Sponsorship Director shall be responsible for all of the operations relating to sponsorship, including obtaining new sponsorship, collecting from sponsors, and making sure their logos are correctly on instructional shirts, travel jerseys, and signage on available buildings. |
 Vacancy |
 Vacancy |
Referee Assigner (Vacancy)The Referee Assignor shall be responsible for the scheduling and payment of In-Town referees. The Director shall also be responsible for the education, recruitment and training of all referees. |
Social Media CoordinatorThe duties of the Social Media Coordinator shall be to improve promotion of soccer news within the community by coordinating media relations with regular updates to the Facebook page and BYSA website to grow awareness of events and activities. |
 Vacancy |
Parent Advocate (Vacancy)The parent advocate is available to discuss issues, concerns, or feedback that parents, players, and spectators have with Barnstable Youth Soccer and presents them to the Board of Directors. |